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Writer's pictureAndrew Dawson

The Death that destroyed death

At a time when death is the lead story in our news and at the front of our minds, we want to think about the death that destroyed death. It certainly doesn't look like Jesus death destroyed death. It's very obvious that death has not been eliminated. So in what ways has Jesus death destroyed death? Each day this week we'll look at a different way that Jesus death destroys death. Here's the first...

1. Jesus death destroys death by freeing us from the fear of death

Death is one of our greatest fears, our death or the death of our loved ones. We work hard to keep death away from us and our families. We don't want to talk about it, see it or even think about it. We push the fear deep down. Yet when it surfaces, the fear can be paralysing.

Why do we fear death?

Deep down we know death is not the end of our lives. If we thought it was, what would there be to fear? It's the unknown that we fear. It's the feeling that we will have to give an account. We know life is precious gift and we cling to it. We know that our life will one day be put on the scales. We fear the results of that assessment.

But what if someone else life was put on the scales instead of ours and what if the judgement of our life was taken by someone else. That's what happens for those who trust in Jesus. In that way Jesus death destroys death by freeing us from the fear of death.

Are you full of fear when you think of death? Come to Jesus today and know His peace in the face of death. Watch the video below produced by Joel's grieving parents see how they are dealing with his death.

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