St Patrick lived under the same sun as we do but saw it differently. He saw it differently because he was looking at it through biblical glasses not materialist glasses. Through his bible glasses he could see further and deeper than our materialist glasses. Our material glasses can see that the sun is a thing-an object. A vitally important object, of course. It's essential for life and growth. It's power can be harnessed for industry. It's warmth can be enjoyed (do you remember those few days of summer?). Patrick could see all that too but his bible glasses enabled him to see further and deeper than that.
Patrick could see that the properties and patterns of the Sun pointed beyond itself to something more. Here's what Patrick saw;
"The sun which we see rising for us each day at his command, that sun will never reign nor will its splendour continue forever; and all those who adore that sun will come to a bad and miserable penalty. We, however, believe in and adore the true sun, that is, Christ, who will never perish. Nor will they perish who do his will but they will abide forever just as Christ will abide forever. He lives with God the Father almighty and with the Holy Spirit before the ages began, and now, and for all ages of ages. Amen."
Where did he get that insight from? How did he connect the sun (which rises each day, giving light and life and joy to the world) with Jesus Christ?
He read it in the bible. King David writes a poem about the sun. He says:
"In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
which is like a bridegroom coming
forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes a circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat." (Psalm 19:5-6)
and then King David's Son says:
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of life" (John 8:14)
And on another occasion Jesus said he is the Bridegroom that was coming for his bride (Mark 2:18-20).
With his bible glasses on, Patrick saw the splendour of the sun and also saw beyond it's splendour. His eyes and heart were dazzled not just by the object but what the object pointed to. And what he saw shaped his heart and transformed this island.
What about you, how do you see the world?
Seeing the world through the bible gives us the basis to take it to the lab and explore it in all it's material wonder and to enjoy it as a temple that points beyond itself to an even greater Reality.
"The sun which we see rising for us each day at his command, that sun will never reign nor will its splendour continue forever; and all those who adore that sun will come to a bad and miserable penalty. We, however, believe in and adore the true sun, that is, Christ, who will never perish." (Patrick)
Why not take yourself to the Optician and get yourself a pair of new glasses. Then you will see further and deeper just like Patrick.
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge. (Psalm 19)
This Sunday (17th March) we're getting to know this amazing man through his own words. If you're nearby come and join us. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to this. Any questions just ring me. (Andrew 07512677530)