Have you ever washed your hands so much in your life? We wash every inch of them to make sure they are free from virus (we hope). We don't want the virus in our system as it will lead to sickness and in some cases even death.
The bible describes sin like a virus. It's already in our system and it will lead to our death. It's fatality rate is 100%. When we turn away from the life giver and go our own way (Sin) is it any wonder death is the result. No amount of hand washing can rid us of this 'virus' but there is a way to be purified... through the death of Jesus. Or as 1 John 1:7 puts it "the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin". We are washed completely clean.
No fear of any of the 'virus' remaining. That doesn't mean those who trust in Jesus are perfect. Far from it ,as we well know. But it does mean that Jesus death purifies us from all the sins of our past, our present and our future. We are forgiven. What a motivation to keep ourselves clean.
Can you see what looks like a flaw in all this? If Jesus death purifies us from all sin, how come those who trust in Jesus still die? Some in the early church asked this very question. Here's how Paul answered them. "We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him".
Did you notice how death is described? Jesus doesn't eliminate death, He transforms it. Those who die in Jesus really just fall asleep and awake to be with Him forever.
We close our eyes in death and open them to Jesus. Wouldn't that make you approach death differently. Wouldn't that make you live life differently?
That's what Pete found