The Birth of Jesus was a cosmic event. Nothing like this in all existence has ever happened before. The One who was outside time and space stepped into the restrictions of time and space. God the eternal Spirit took on DNA. The Author of life wrote himself into the story. Even before our most advanced science could have detected it, the Son of God became one of us in the womb of a young woman. In the secret place known only to Mary (because an angel told her), God became part of his material universe.
Nothing in the entire universe would ever or could ever be the same again. That moment of conception in the womb of Mary was a tiny explosion with cosmic consequences.
His birth was simply marked in the sky by one solitary star rising in the east. Seen and understood (partly) by obscure stargazers. One star among millions. It seems such a small event for such a momentous moment. Yet it was fitting for the humble beginning of the Bright Morning Star. The wonder of Christmas is; what began in the womb of Mary continues to ripple across time and space. Christmas is Cosmic.
It's Christmas (click and enjoy)